Used to retrieve account balances and AIR MILES Cash offer information.
POST /checkout/amcash/inquire

Take a look at our OpenAPI (Swagger-Spec) schema to learn more about the API calls.

Used to retrieve account balances and AIR MILES Cash offer information. Once a Partner receives a response, the POS terminal can acquire the reward miles Cash/Dream balances.

Sample request

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ...' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -d '{
  "acquirerId": "100000",
  "cardEntryMode": "SWIPE",
  "collectorNumber": "84095202006",
  "dateTime": "1972-07-16T13:32:00+0400",
  "deviceId": "001",
  "instantMessage": "en-CA",
  "postTaxBasketAmount": "16.12",
  "sponsorCode": "LOY1",
  "storeId": "0001",
  "traceId": "999999999999",
  "vendorId": "100087"

Header parameters

Parameter Description
Authorization Token from authentication.
Content-Type Default value: application/json
cache-control Default value: no-cache

Query parameters

Parameter Description
none none

Body parameters

* Required field

Parameter Description
acquirerId* The acquirer ID identifies the party that sends the request, usually this is the partner. To be provided by AIR MILES
cardEntryMode* The method that was used to enter the AIR MILES account number.
collectorNumber* The customer’s AIR MILES account number.
dateTime* Date and time when the request was sent. (see ISO-8601)
deviceId* ID number used to identify the POS terminal currently in use.
instantMessage The Partner’s language preference for receiving the POS display messages. Default value: en-CA
postTaxBasketAmount* The total dollar amount of the basket, POST-TAX (i.e., what the Collector spent at checkout).
sponsorCode* Alpha-numeric value used to identify the Partner. To be provided by AIR MILES
storeId* Alpha-numeric value used to identify the Partner’s location. To be provided by Partner
traceId* Partner’s unique transaction tracking number. To be provided by Partner
vendorId* Number used to identify the Partner and for downstream financial payments. To be provided by AIR MILES

Sample response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2018 15:27:34 GMT
    "acquirerId": "100000",
    "availableCashBalance": "95",
    "availableDollarAmount": "10",
    "availableOfferUnits": "1",
    "cashBalance": "120",
    "collectorNumber": "1234567890123456789",
    "dailyOfferLimit": "10",
    "dateTime": "2019-01-30T04:39:59.503-0400",
    "deviceId": "001",
    "dreamBalance": "545",
    "message": "Approved",
    "offerDescEn": "Sample offer description in English.",
    "offerDescFr": "Exemple de description de l'offre en français.",
    "offerId": "1111111111",
    "offerType": "RGL",
    "responseCode": "0000",
    "sponsorCode": "1234",
    "storeId": "0001",
    "traceId": "000012345678",
    "transDateTime": "2019-01-30T11:41:55",
    "unitValueAMCash": "95",
    "unitValueDollars": "10.00",
    "vendorId": "555555"

Response model

Includes all “Request” parameters listed above, plus the additional ones below.

Parameter Description
availableCashBalance The remaining available daily limit of AM Cash redemptions, in Miles (post-transaction); or the Collector’s total Miles balance - whichever is lower. Standard default is $750 CAD or 7,125 Miles per day
availableDollarAmount The dollar ($) amount available that the Collector can redeem. This value is rounded down to the nearest $10
availableOfferUnits The number of AM Cash units available to the Collector at checkout (in multiples of $10/95 miles).
cashBalance The Collector’s “AM Cash” account balance in Miles (post-transaction).
dailyOfferLimit The limit of AM Cash units the Collector can redeem today.
dreamBalance The Collector’s “AIR MILES Dream” account balance.
message Text description of the response code.
offerDescEn Offer description (English)
offerDescFr Offer description (French)
offerId AM Cash offer ID.
offerType Either RGL (regular offers) or SPL (special/discounted offers).
responseCode Number indicating the result of the transaction.
transDateTime Date and time when the response was sent. (see ISO-8601)
unitValueAMCash The number of AM Cash miles required for a single redemption unit.
unitValueDollars The dollar ($) value for a single unit of redemption.

Conditional parameters

The optional data elements contain information required to show the number of miles that can be redeemed and the discount that would be applied towards the purchase.

Parameter Description
availableOfferUnits Redemption offer units available for the current transaction. (i.e., 1 unit = $10, so 5 units = $50 in redemptions.)
dailyOfferLimit The maximum number of units a Collector can redeem in a single day (i.e., a 24 hour period).
offerDescEn Offer description (English)
offerDescFr Offer description (French)
offerId AM Cash offer ID.
offerType Either RGL (regular offers) or SPL (special/discounted offers).
unitValueAMCash The number of “AM Cash” miles required for a single redemption unit.
unitValueDollars The dollar ($) value for a single unit of redemption.

Status/Response codes

Status Code Response Code Display Message Description
200 0000 Approved The transaction was successful. The POS terminal AND receipt should display the appropriate information.
202 0001 Approved - Balance suppressed The transaction was successful, however the Collector opted to not view their rewards balances. The printed receipt MUST NOT show the Collector’s ‘Cash’/‘Dream’ balances, or the available “AM Cash” that can be redeemed.
401 0002 Collector account inactive The Collector account is not active. Please ask the Collector to visit the self-serve page, online chat support, or contact our call-center.
202 0005 Balance suppressed, unable to redeem The transaction was successful, but the Collector opted to not view their balances, or allow instant cash redemptions. The POS terminal MUST NOT prompt for an “AM Cash” Redemption.
202 0006 Unable to redeem The transaction was successful, but the Collector account is set to not allow instant “AM Cash” redemptions. The POS terminal MUST NOT prompt for an “AM Cash” Redemption.
408 0008 Transaction timeout The transaction timed out when a request was sent to the “Instant POS” Switch. The Partner’s Switch/POS Terminal should retry the request one (1) time. If a cashier receives this error, they should escalate the issue as indicated in the “AM Cash - Sponsor Escalation Guide”.
403 0009 Card not swiped or scanned Redemption offers will not be sent if the Collector Card is not presented. The Collector Card is physically required to perform instant cash redemptions. Please ask the Collector to visit the self-serve page, online chat support, or contact our call-center to request a replacement card.
401 0025 Invalid collector number The Collector number is invalid. Please ask the Collector to visit the self-serve page, online chat support, or contact our call-center to request a replacement card.
400 0035 Invalid request parameter A mistake was made when submitting the request. Please correct the error and try again.
202 0051 Insufficient AIR MILES reward Miles The Collector has not earned enough in their “AIR MILES Cash” balance for the requested redemption amount. Please ask the Collector to go to and check their redemption/earning history.
408 0067 Offer is temporarily unavailable The offer being requested is temporarily unavailable. Please advise the Collector to try redeeming this offer at a later time.
503 0092 Scheduled outage The system is unavailable due to scheduled maintenance. No requests can be sent.
500 0096 Server error or no response An unknown error occurred while calling the “Instant POS” Switch". The Sponsor Switch/POS Terminal should retry one time and if the error persists, they should escalate the issue as indicated in the “AM Cash - Sponsor Escalation Guide”.
none none Missing or invalid “Bearer token” No valid “Bearer Token” present. Please generate a valid “Bearer” Token and submit to continue."