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Real-time redemption of AIR MILES Cash Reward Miles at checkout for program Partners.
Table of contents

The purpose of this documentation is to provide a guide on how to integrate with the AIR MILES Cash API. As part of this documentation, we also include information on RESTful HTTPS requests/responses, error codes, the reconciliation process and integration environments.

Target audience

This material is intended to be used by a Partner wishing to integrate with the AIR MILES Cash API.

What is real-time redemption

The AIR MILES real-time platform provides Partners with a streamlined method for redeeming Collector’s AIR MILES Cash Reward Miles, online or in-store. Real-time redemption ensures your customer’s will be able to see their updated balances immediately before and after using their AIR MILES Cash Reward Miles.

Service level objective

Please contact our Partner support team for details on our Service Level Agreement (SLA). Refer to our “Escalation Guide” for contact details.

Integration environments

There are two sets of environments used by partners to integrate with the real-time checkout platform. These environments are configured similarly for consistent production-level quality, whether the partner has deployed to production or is still performing non-production testing.

Environment Domain Description
Certification Contains production quality code and test data used for developing and testing 3rd party integrations.
Production Contains production code and live user data for real-world 3rd party integrations.

Your AMRP project team

In preparation for launch, an AIR MILES team is pulled together to assist Partners with integration and setup. This team will provide the following services:

  • Consulting Partners on the best technical solution to support AIR MILES Issuance based on system compatibility.
  • Providing guidance for assessing Partner requirements, data exchange methods, and reconciliation.
  • As well as overseeing a broad range of activities to meet the requirements of launch, including:
    • Planning
    • Communications
    • Delivery
    • Execution
    • Monitoring

Commonly used acronyms

Name Definition
AMRP AIR MILES Rewards Program: The loyalty program itself consisting both AIR MILES issuance an redemption processes.
AMRM AIR MILES Rewards Miles: The loyalty program currency that Collectors earn and redeem for travel, merchandise and cash rewards.
RTC Real-Time Checkout: An AIR MILES API platform specifically tailored for “Real-Time Issuance” & redemption of AIR MILES “Reward Miles”.
M2M Machine-to-Machine: Refers to direct communication between devices using any communications channel, including wired and wireless. This includes CLIs, daemons, or services running on your back-end that self-authenticates and/or authorizes an application without collector interaction.
POS Point-of-Sale: Refers to the software/hardware component that handles transactional messages, as well as processing AIR MILES issuances and reversals (return transactions).

1 - Authentication & Authorization

The AIR MILES security layer granting access to member APIs and associated services.

For more information on “Auth0” and the various authentication flows, click the button below.

2 - API Library

This section includes the four (4) AIR MILES Cash API endpoints listed below. Each page offers a brief summary of the API endpoint in question, common use-case scenarios, and sample request/response messages with response codes.

API endpoints


    Used to test and confirm that the real-time checkout platform is up and ready to process requests.


    Used to retrieve account balances and AIR MILES Cash offer information.


    Used to redeem AIR MILES Cash Miles from a Collector’s account to be used towards their purchase.


    Used to refund (aka reverse) an AM Cash Miles redemption.

Idempotent requests

All the API calls shown above (excluding ECHO & INQUIRY) support idempotency for safely retrying requests without accidentally performing the same operation twice. This is useful when an API call is disrupted in transit and you do not receive a response. For example, if a request to redeem miles from a Collector does not receive a response due to a network connection error, you can retry the request with the same idempotency key to guarantee that additional miles aren’t accidentally redeemed from the Collector’s account.

What is an “Idempotency Key”

An “Idempotency Key” is a unique value generated by the client which the server uses to recognize subsequent retries of the same request. How you create unique keys is up to you, but we suggest using V4 UUIDs, or another random string with enough entropy to avoid collisions.

Sample header with Idempotency

curl -X POST \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ...' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Idempotency-Key: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000' \
    -d '{

Handling request/response messages

As described above, the RESTful specification defines a transaction as a pair of request and response messages that are used for information interchange.

Message Type Description
  • All mandatory parameters MUST be included in each API call.
  • All other parameters are optional, unless stated otherwise.
  • Response
  • Indicates which parameters/elements are always returned.
  • The “Response” Content-Type is specified in the Header (e.g., application/json.
  • A “Response” resulting in an ‘error condition’ will include an accompanying responseCode.
  • Partners are expected to verify and handle each Response Code as necessary.
  • All response values are NOT not case-sensitive.
  • Data elements that contain null or ‘empty’ values are automatically excluded from the response body.
  • The ‘POS’ terminal may use the response elements to display/print information for the customer.
  • Handling request timeouts

    A request timeout has likely occurred if either of the following are true.

    • You received a Response Code of 0008
    • You didn’t receive any response at all

    Upon experiencing a request timeout, your POS terminal should immediately attempt to retry the same request. The reattempted request MUST be identical to the initial request.

    If at any time, AIR MILES real-time encounters an internal problem or network error while trying to return a “redemption response” to the partner, the redemption request will be automatically cancelled. Thereby ensuring the customer is not charged for a redemption that could not be redeemed.

    Status/response codes

    Status Code Response Code Display Message Description
    200 0000 Approved The transaction was successful. The POS terminal AND receipt should display the appropriate information.
    202 0001 Approved - balance suppressed The transaction was successful, however the Collector opted to not view their rewards balances. The printed receipt MUST NOT show the Collector’s ‘Cash’/‘Dream’ balances, or the available “AM Cash” that can be redeemed.
    401 0002 Collector account inactive The Collector account is not active. Please ask the Collector to visit the self-serve page, online chat support, or contact our call-center.
    408 0008 Transaction timeout The transaction timed out when a request was sent to the “Instant POS” Switch. The Partner’s Switch/POS Terminal should retry the request one (1) time. If a cashier receives this error, they should escalate the issue as indicated in the “AM Cash - Sponsor Escalation Guide”.
    403 0009 Card not swiped or scanned Redemption offers will not be sent if the Collector Card is not presented. The Collector Card is physically required to perform instant cash redemptions. Please ask the Collector to visit the self-serve page, online chat support, or contact our call-center to request a replacement card.
    401 0025 Invalid Collector number The Collector number is invalid. Please ask the Collector to visit the self-serve page, online chat support, or contact our call-center to request a replacement card.
    400 0035 Invalid request parameter A mistake was made when submitting the request. Please correct the error and try again.
    202 0051 Insufficient reward miles The Collector has not earned enough in their “AIR MILES Cash” balance for the requested redemption amount. Please ask the Collector to go to and check their redemption/earning history.
    400 0057 Invalid redemption confirmation number The redemptionConfirmationNumber submitted is invalid. Please resubmit the request with the correct Redemption Confirmation Number.
    202 0065 Exceeded daily redemption limit The Collector has exceeded the daily redemption limit. The Collector’s account has exceeded the maximum daily redemption amount. Please ask the Collector to wait until the following day to redeem more Cash miles.
    202 0066 Insufficient basket size The Collector’s basket size is too small to make a redemption. The purchase amount is not enough to make a redemption. Ask the customer if they wish to add more items to their basket in order to make an AM Cash redemption.
    408 0067 Offer is temporarily unavailable The offer being requested is temporarily unavailable. Please advise the Collector to try redeeming this offer at a later time.
    409 0080 Reversal window expired The reversal window for the redemption has expired; meaning a reversal can no longer be submitted for this transaction. This usually happens when a reversal is attempted after 3:00 AM the day after the original transaction. Any reversals that are attempted past the 3:00 AM time-frame should be refunded to the customer via in-store credit or gift card. Please DO NOT RETURN CASH to the customer.
    503 0092 Scheduled outage The system is unavailable due to scheduled maintenance. No requests can be sent.
    500 0096 Server error or no response An unknown error occurred while calling the “Instant POS” Switch". The Sponsor Switch/POS Terminal should retry one time and if the error persists, they should escalate the issue as indicated in the “AM Cash - Sponsor Escalation Guide”.
    null null Missing or invalid “bearer” token No valid “Bearer Token” present. Please generate a valid “Bearer” Token and submit to continue."

    2.1 - ECHO

    Used to test and confirm that the real-time checkout platform is up and ready to process requests.
    POST /checkout/amcash/echo

    Take a look at our OpenAPI (Swagger-Spec) schema to learn more about the API calls.

    This test ensures there are no known connectivity issues between AIR MILES and our partners. The ECHO call functions similarly to a standard ‘ping’ request, determining if a client or host is online and accessible. To receive a “Bearer Token” and authorize your request, use the client_id/client_secret provided to you by AIR MILES.

    Sample request

    curl -X POST \ \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ...' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
      -d '{
      "deviceId": "001",
      "sponsorCode": "LOY1",
      "storeId": "0001",
      "traceId": "000012345678",
      "vendorId": "100087"

    Header parameters

    Parameter Description
    Authorization Token from authentication.
    Content-Type Default value: application/json
    cache-control Default value: no-cache

    Query parameters

    Parameter Description
    none none

    Body parameters

    * Required field

    Parameter Description
    deviceId* ID number used to identify the POS terminal currently in use.
    sponsorCode* Alpha-numeric value used to identify the Partner. To be provided by AIR MILES
    storeId* Alpha-numeric value used to identify the Partner’s location. To be provided by Partner
    traceId* Partner’s unique transaction tracking number. To be provided by Partner
    vendorId* Number used to identify the Partner and for downstream financial payments. To be provided by AIR MILES

    Sample response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2018 15:27:34 GMT
      "deviceId": "001",
      "message": "Approved",
      "responseCode": "0000",
      "sponsorCode": "1234",
      "storeId": "0001",
      "traceId": "000012345678",
      "transDateTime": "2019-01-30T03:59:03",
      "vendorId": "1234567890"

    Response model

    Includes all “Request” parameters listed above, plus the additional ones below.

    Parameter Description
    message Text description of the response code.
    responseCode Number indicating the result of the transaction.
    transDateTime Date and time when the response was sent. (see ISO-8601)

    Status/Response codes

    Status Code Response Code Display Message Description
    200 0000 Approved The transaction was successful. The POS terminal AND receipt should display the appropriate information.
    408 0008 Transaction timeout The transaction timed out when a request was sent to the “Instant POS” Switch. The Partner’s Switch/POS Terminal should retry the request one (1) time. If a cashier receives this error, they should escalate the issue as indicated in the “AM Cash - Sponsor Escalation Guide”.
    400 0035 Invalid request parameter A mistake was made when submitting the request. Please correct the error and try again.
    503 0092 Scheduled outage The system is unavailable due to scheduled maintenance. No requests can be sent.
    500 0096 Server error or no response An unknown error occurred while calling the “Instant POS” Switch". The Sponsor Switch/POS Terminal should retry one time and if the error persists, they should escalate the issue as indicated in the “AM Cash - Sponsor Escalation Guide”.
    none none Missing or invalid Bearer token No valid Bearer token present. Please generate a valid Bearer token and submit to continue."

    2.2 - INQUIRE

    Used to retrieve account balances and AIR MILES Cash offer information.
    POST /checkout/amcash/inquire

    Take a look at our OpenAPI (Swagger-Spec) schema to learn more about the API calls.

    Used to retrieve account balances and AIR MILES Cash offer information. Once a Partner receives a response, the POS terminal can acquire the reward miles Cash/Dream balances.

    Sample request

    curl -X POST \ \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ...' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
      -d '{
      "acquirerId": "100000",
      "cardEntryMode": "SWIPE",
      "collectorNumber": "84095202006",
      "dateTime": "1972-07-16T13:32:00+0400",
      "deviceId": "001",
      "instantMessage": "en-CA",
      "postTaxBasketAmount": "16.12",
      "sponsorCode": "LOY1",
      "storeId": "0001",
      "traceId": "999999999999",
      "vendorId": "100087"

    Header parameters

    Parameter Description
    Authorization Token from authentication.
    Content-Type Default value: application/json
    cache-control Default value: no-cache

    Query parameters

    Parameter Description
    none none

    Body parameters

    * Required field

    Parameter Description
    acquirerId* The acquirer ID identifies the party that sends the request, usually this is the partner. To be provided by AIR MILES
    cardEntryMode* The method that was used to enter the AIR MILES account number.
    collectorNumber* The customer’s AIR MILES account number.
    dateTime* Date and time when the request was sent. (see ISO-8601)
    deviceId* ID number used to identify the POS terminal currently in use.
    instantMessage The Partner’s language preference for receiving the POS display messages. Default value: en-CA
    postTaxBasketAmount* The total dollar amount of the basket, POST-TAX (i.e., what the Collector spent at checkout).
    sponsorCode* Alpha-numeric value used to identify the Partner. To be provided by AIR MILES
    storeId* Alpha-numeric value used to identify the Partner’s location. To be provided by Partner
    traceId* Partner’s unique transaction tracking number. To be provided by Partner
    vendorId* Number used to identify the Partner and for downstream financial payments. To be provided by AIR MILES

    Sample response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2018 15:27:34 GMT
        "acquirerId": "100000",
        "availableCashBalance": "95",
        "availableDollarAmount": "10",
        "availableOfferUnits": "1",
        "cashBalance": "120",
        "collectorNumber": "1234567890123456789",
        "dailyOfferLimit": "10",
        "dateTime": "2019-01-30T04:39:59.503-0400",
        "deviceId": "001",
        "dreamBalance": "545",
        "message": "Approved",
        "offerDescEn": "Sample offer description in English.",
        "offerDescFr": "Exemple de description de l'offre en français.",
        "offerId": "1111111111",
        "offerType": "RGL",
        "responseCode": "0000",
        "sponsorCode": "1234",
        "storeId": "0001",
        "traceId": "000012345678",
        "transDateTime": "2019-01-30T11:41:55",
        "unitValueAMCash": "95",
        "unitValueDollars": "10.00",
        "vendorId": "555555"

    Response model

    Includes all “Request” parameters listed above, plus the additional ones below.

    Parameter Description
    availableCashBalance The remaining available daily limit of AM Cash redemptions, in Miles (post-transaction); or the Collector’s total Miles balance - whichever is lower. Standard default is $750 CAD or 7,125 Miles per day
    availableDollarAmount The dollar ($) amount available that the Collector can redeem. This value is rounded down to the nearest $10
    availableOfferUnits The number of AM Cash units available to the Collector at checkout (in multiples of $10/95 miles).
    cashBalance The Collector’s “AM Cash” account balance in Miles (post-transaction).
    dailyOfferLimit The limit of AM Cash units the Collector can redeem today.
    dreamBalance The Collector’s “AIR MILES Dream” account balance.
    message Text description of the response code.
    offerDescEn Offer description (English)
    offerDescFr Offer description (French)
    offerId AM Cash offer ID.
    offerType Either RGL (regular offers) or SPL (special/discounted offers).
    responseCode Number indicating the result of the transaction.
    transDateTime Date and time when the response was sent. (see ISO-8601)
    unitValueAMCash The number of AM Cash miles required for a single redemption unit.
    unitValueDollars The dollar ($) value for a single unit of redemption.

    Conditional parameters

    The optional data elements contain information required to show the number of miles that can be redeemed and the discount that would be applied towards the purchase.

    Parameter Description
    availableOfferUnits Redemption offer units available for the current transaction. (i.e., 1 unit = $10, so 5 units = $50 in redemptions.)
    dailyOfferLimit The maximum number of units a Collector can redeem in a single day (i.e., a 24 hour period).
    offerDescEn Offer description (English)
    offerDescFr Offer description (French)
    offerId AM Cash offer ID.
    offerType Either RGL (regular offers) or SPL (special/discounted offers).
    unitValueAMCash The number of “AM Cash” miles required for a single redemption unit.
    unitValueDollars The dollar ($) value for a single unit of redemption.

    Status/Response codes

    Status Code Response Code Display Message Description
    200 0000 Approved The transaction was successful. The POS terminal AND receipt should display the appropriate information.
    202 0001 Approved - Balance suppressed The transaction was successful, however the Collector opted to not view their rewards balances. The printed receipt MUST NOT show the Collector’s ‘Cash’/‘Dream’ balances, or the available “AM Cash” that can be redeemed.
    401 0002 Collector account inactive The Collector account is not active. Please ask the Collector to visit the self-serve page, online chat support, or contact our call-center.
    202 0005 Balance suppressed, unable to redeem The transaction was successful, but the Collector opted to not view their balances, or allow instant cash redemptions. The POS terminal MUST NOT prompt for an “AM Cash” Redemption.
    202 0006 Unable to redeem The transaction was successful, but the Collector account is set to not allow instant “AM Cash” redemptions. The POS terminal MUST NOT prompt for an “AM Cash” Redemption.
    408 0008 Transaction timeout The transaction timed out when a request was sent to the “Instant POS” Switch. The Partner’s Switch/POS Terminal should retry the request one (1) time. If a cashier receives this error, they should escalate the issue as indicated in the “AM Cash - Sponsor Escalation Guide”.
    403 0009 Card not swiped or scanned Redemption offers will not be sent if the Collector Card is not presented. The Collector Card is physically required to perform instant cash redemptions. Please ask the Collector to visit the self-serve page, online chat support, or contact our call-center to request a replacement card.
    401 0025 Invalid collector number The Collector number is invalid. Please ask the Collector to visit the self-serve page, online chat support, or contact our call-center to request a replacement card.
    400 0035 Invalid request parameter A mistake was made when submitting the request. Please correct the error and try again.
    202 0051 Insufficient AIR MILES reward Miles The Collector has not earned enough in their “AIR MILES Cash” balance for the requested redemption amount. Please ask the Collector to go to and check their redemption/earning history.
    408 0067 Offer is temporarily unavailable The offer being requested is temporarily unavailable. Please advise the Collector to try redeeming this offer at a later time.
    503 0092 Scheduled outage The system is unavailable due to scheduled maintenance. No requests can be sent.
    500 0096 Server error or no response An unknown error occurred while calling the “Instant POS” Switch". The Sponsor Switch/POS Terminal should retry one time and if the error persists, they should escalate the issue as indicated in the “AM Cash - Sponsor Escalation Guide”.
    none none Missing or invalid “Bearer token” No valid “Bearer Token” present. Please generate a valid “Bearer” Token and submit to continue."

    2.3 - REDEEM

    Used to redeem AIR MILES Cash Miles from a Collector’s account to be used towards their purchase.
    POST /checkout/amcash/redeem

    Take a look at our OpenAPI (Swagger-Spec) schema to learn more about the API calls.

    To redeem Miles, the Collector’s card must be either scanned, swiped, or pre-registered (e.g., e-commerce site).

    Redemption process

    1. The sales associate makes a redemption request at checkout by submitting a dollarRedeemRequest.
    2. The maximum redemption amount is displayed on-screen, which is less than or equal to the postTaxBasketAmount.
    3. The sales associate selects the appropriate redemption amount (unitsRedeemed) before completing the transaction.

    Sample request

    curl -X POST \ \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ...' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
      -d '{
      "acquirerId": "100000",
      "cardEntryMode": "SWIPE",
      "collectorNumber": "84095202006",
      "dateTime": "1972-07-16T13:32:00+0400",
      "deviceId": "001",
      "dollarRedeemRequest": "16.12",
      "instantMessage": "en-CA",
      "originalPostTaxBasketAmount": "16.12",
      "originalPreTaxAmount": "16.12",
      "postTaxBasketAmount": "16.12",
      "sponsorCode": "LOY1",
      "storeId": "0001",
      "traceId": "999999999999",
      "vendorId": "100087"

    Header parameters

    Parameter Description
    Authorization Token from authentication.
    Content-Type Default value: application/json
    cache-control Default value: no-cache

    Query parameters

    Parameter Description
    none none

    Body parameters

    * Required field

    Parameter Description
    acquirerId* The acquirer ID identifies the party that sends the request. Usually this is the partner.
    cardEntryMode* The method that was used to enter the AIR MILES account number.
    collectorNumber* The customer’s AIR MILES account number.
    dateTime* Date and time when the request was sent. (see ISO-8601)
    deviceId* ID number used to identify the POS terminal currently in use.
    dollarRedeemRequest* The dollar amount available to be redeemed.
    instantMessage The partner’s language preference for receiving the POS display messages. Default value: en-CA
    originalPostTaxBasketAmount Original purchase amount, post-tax.
    originalPreTaxAmount Original purchase amount, pre-tax.
    postTaxBasketAmount* The total dollar amount of the basket, POST-TAX (i.e., what the Collector spent at checkout).
    sponsorCode* Alpha-numeric value used to identify the Partner. To be provided by AIR MILES
    storeId* Alpha-numeric value used to identify the Partner’s location. To be provided by Partner
    traceId* Partner’s unique transaction tracking number. To be provided by Partner
    vendorId* Number used to identify the Partner and for downstream financial payments. To be provided by AIR MILES

    Sample response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2018 15:27:34 GMT
        "acquirerId": "100000",
        "availableCashBalance": "95",
        "availableDollarAmount": "10",
        "cashBalance": "120",
        "collectorNumber": "80000000001",
        "dailyOfferLimit": "10",
        "dateTime": "2019-01-30T04:39:59.503-0400",
        "deviceId": "001",
        "dreamBalance": "550",
        "message": "Approved",
        "milesRedeemed": "95",
        "offerDescEn": "Sample offer description in English.",
        "offerDescFr": "Exemple de description de l'offre en français.",
        "offerId": "1111111111",
        "offerType": "RGL",
        "responseCode": "0000",
        "sponsorCode": "1234",
        "storeId": "0001",
        "traceId": "000012345678",
        "transDateTime": "2018-10-27T02:25:10",
        "txnConfirmationNumber": "0000",
        "unitsRedeemed": "1",
        "unitValueAMCash": "95",
        "unitValueDollars": "10.00",
        "vendorId": "555555"

    Response model

    Includes all “Request” parameters listed above, plus the additional ones below.

    Parameter Description
    availableCashBalance The remaining available daily limit of AM Cash redemptions, in Miles (post-transaction); or the Collector’s total Miles balance - whichever is lower. Standard default is $750 CAD or 7,125 Miles per day
    availableDollarAmount The dollar ($) amount available that the Collector can redeem. This value is rounded down to the nearest $10
    cashBalance The Collector’s AM Cash account balance in Miles (post-transaction).
    dailyOfferLimit The maximum number of units a Collector can redeem in a single day (i.e., a 24 hour period).
    dreamBalance The Collector’s “AIR MILES Dream” account balance.
    message Text description of the response code.
    milesRedeemed The number of AM Cash miles redeemed in the transaction.
    offerDescEn Offer description (English)
    offerDescFr Offer description (French)
    offerId AM Cash offer ID.
    offerType Either RGL (regular offers) or SPL (special/discounted offers).
    responseCode Number indicating the result of the transaction.
    transDateTime Date and time when the response was sent. (see ISO-8601)
    txnConfirmationNumber The confirmation number returned upon a successful redemption. This value should be printed on the purchase receipt and is required to process a reversal. To be provided by AIR MILES
    unitsRedeemed The number of AM Cash units redeemed in the transaction.
    unitValueAMCash The number of AM Cash miles required for a single redemption unit.
    unitValueDollars The dollar ($) value for a single unit of redemption.

    Status/Response codes

    Status Code Response Code Display Message Description
    200 0000 Approved The transaction was successful. The POS terminal AND receipt should display the appropriate information.
    202 0001 Approved - balance suppressed The transaction was successful, however the Collector opted to not view their rewards balances. The printed receipt MUST NOT show the Collector’s ‘Cash’/‘Dream’ balances, or the available “AM Cash” that can be redeemed.
    401 0002 Collector account inactive The Collector account is not active. Please ask the Collector to visit the self-serve page, online chat support, or contact our call-center.
    202 0005 Balance suppressed, unable to redeem The transaction was successful, but the Collector opted to not view their balances, or allow instant cash redemptions. The POS terminal MUST NOT prompt for an “AM Cash” Redemption.
    202 0006 Unable to redeem The transaction was successful, but the Collector account is set to not allow instant “AM Cash” redemptions. The POS terminal MUST NOT prompt for an “AM Cash” Redemption.
    408 0008 Transaction timeout The transaction timed out when a request was sent to the “Instant POS” Switch. The Partner’s Switch/POS Terminal should retry the request one (1) time. If a cashier receives this error, they should escalate the issue as indicated in the “AM Cash - Sponsor Escalation Guide”.
    403 0009 Card not swiped or scanned Redemption offers will not be sent if the Collector Card is not presented. The Collector Card is physically required to perform instant cash redemptions. Please ask the Collector to visit the self-serve page, online chat support, or contact our call-center to request a replacement card.
    401 0025 Invalid collector number The Collector number is invalid. Please ask the Collector to visit the self-serve page, online chat support, or contact our call-center to request a replacement card.
    400 0035 Invalid request parameter A mistake was made when submitting the request. Please correct the error and try again.
    202 0051 Insufficient AIR MILES reward Miles The Collector has not earned enough in their “AIR MILES Cash” balance for the requested redemption amount. Please ask the Collector to go to and check their redemption/earning history.
    202 0065 Exceeded daily redemption limit The Collector has exceeded the daily redemption limit. The Collector’s account has exceeded the maximum daily redemption amount. Please ask the Collector to wait until the following day to redeem more Cash miles.
    202 0066 Insufficient basket size The Collector’s basket size is too small to make a redemption. The purchase amount is not enough to make a redemption. Ask the customer if they wish to add more items to their basket in order to make an AM Cash redemption.
    408 0067 Offer is temporarily unavailable The offer being requested is temporarily unavailable. Please advise the Collector to try redeeming this offer at a later time.
    503 0092 Scheduled outage The system is unavailable due to scheduled maintenance. No requests can be sent.
    500 0096 Server error or no response An unknown error occurred while calling the “Instant POS” Switch". The Sponsor Switch/POS Terminal should retry one time and if the error persists, they should escalate the issue as indicated in the “AM Cash - Sponsor Escalation Guide”.
    none none Missing or invalid “Bearer token” No valid “Bearer Token” present. Please generate a valid “Bearer” Token and submit to continue."

    2.4 - REVERSE

    Used to refund (aka reverse) an AM Cash Miles redemption.
    POST /checkout/amcash/reverse

    Take a look at our OpenAPI (Swagger-Spec) schema to learn more about the API calls.

    Prior to requesting a “reversal”, a valid “redemption request”/“redemption response” must be exchanged in order to create the txnConfirmationNumber required for the “reversal”.

    Reversal process

    1. The sales associate makes a REVERSAL request at checkout by submitting the redemptionConfirmationNumber for the transaction in question.
    2. The POS system will prompt the sales associate to accept the return and issue a full monetary refund.
    3. Once completed, a response message containing all relevant fields will be returned to the POS system.

    Sample request

    curl -X POST \ \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ...' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
      -d '{
      "acquirerId": "100000",
      "cardEntryMode": "SWIPE",
      "collectorNumber": "84095202006",
      "dateTime": "1972-07-16T13:32:00+0400",
      "deviceId": "001",
      "redemptionConfirmationNum": "10000000000",
      "sponsorCode": "LOY1",
      "storeId": "0001",
      "traceId": "999999999999",
      "vendorId": "100087"

    Header parameters

    Parameter Description
    Authorization Token from authentication.
    Content-Type Default value: application/json
    cache-control Default value: no-cache

    Query parameters

    Parameter Description
    none none

    Body parameters

    * Required field

    Parameter Description
    acquirerId* The acquirer ID identifies the party that sends the request, usually this is the partner. To be provided by AIR MILES
    cardEntryMode* The method that was used to enter the AIR MILES account number.
    collectorNumber* The customer’s AIR MILES account number.
    dateTime* Date and time when the request was sent. (see ISO-8601)
    deviceId* ID number used to identify the POS terminal currently in use.
    redemptionConfirmationNum* Number used to identify the redemption transaction to reverse (void).
    sponsorCode* Alpha-numeric value used to identify the Partner. To be provided by AIR MILES
    storeId* Alpha-numeric value used to identify the Partner’s location. To be provided by Partner
    traceId* Partner’s unique transaction tracking number. To be provided by Partner
    vendorId* Number used to identify the Partner and for downstream financial payments. To be provided by AIR MILES

    Sample response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2018 15:27:34 GMT
        "acquirerId": "100000",
        "availableCashBalance": "95",
        "availableDollarAmount": "10",
        "cashBalance": "120",
        "collectorNumber": "80000000001",
        "dateTime": "2019-01-30T04:39:59.503-0400",
        "deviceId": "001",
        "dreamBalance": "550",
        "message": "Approved",
        "milesReversed": "95",
        "responseCode": "0000",
        "sponsorCode": "1234",
        "storeId": "0001",
        "traceId": "000012345678",
        "transDateTime": "2019-01-30T04:39:59",
        "txnConfirmationNumber": "0000",
        "unitsReversed": "1",
        "unitValueAMCash": "95",
        "unitValueDollars": "10",
        "vendorId": "1234567890"

    Response model

    Includes all “Request” parameters listed above, plus the additional ones below.

    Parameter Description
    availableCashBalance The remaining available daily limit of AM Cash redemptions, in Miles (post-transaction); or the Collector’s total Miles balance - whichever is lower. Standard default is $750 CAD or 7,125 Miles per day
    availableDollarAmount The dollar ($) amount available that the Collector can redeem. This value is rounded down to the nearest $10
    cashBalance The Collector’s AM Cash account balance in Miles (post-transaction).
    dreamBalance The Collector’s “AIR MILES Dream” account balance.
    message Text description of the response code.
    milesReversed The number of AM Cash miles reversed (refunded).
    responseCode Number indicating the result of the transaction.
    transDateTime Date and time when the response was sent. (see ISO-8601)
    txnConfirmationNumber The confirmation number returned upon a successful redemption. This value should be printed on the purchase receipt and is required to process a reversal. To be provided by AIR MILES
    unitsReversed The number of AM Cash units reversed (refunded).
    unitValueAMCash The number of AM Cash miles required for a single redemption unit.
    unitValueDollars The dollar ($) value for a single unit of redemption.

    Status/Response codes

    Status Code Response Code Display Message Description
    200 0000 Approved The transaction was successful. The POS terminal AND receipt should display the appropriate information.
    202 0001 Approved - balance suppressed The transaction was successful, however the Collector opted to not view their rewards balances. The printed receipt MUST NOT show the Collector’s ‘Cash’/‘Dream’ balances, or the available “AM Cash” that can be redeemed.
    401 0002 Collector account inactive The Collector account is not active. Please ask the Collector to visit the self-serve page, online chat support, or contact our call-center.
    408 0008 Transaction timeout The transaction timed out when a request was sent to the “Instant POS” Switch. The Partner’s Switch/POS Terminal should retry the request one (1) time. If a cashier receives this error, they should escalate the issue as indicated in the “AM Cash - Sponsor Escalation Guide”.
    403 0009 Card not swiped or scanned Redemption offers will not be sent if the Collector Card is not presented. The Collector Card is physically required to perform instant cash redemptions. Please ask the Collector to visit the self-serve page, online chat support, or contact our call-center to request a replacement card.
    401 0025 Invalid collector number The Collector number is invalid. Please ask the Collector to visit the self-serve page, online chat support, or contact our call-center to request a replacement card.
    400 0035 Invalid request parameter A mistake was made when submitting the request. Please correct the error and try again.
    202 0051 Insufficient AIR MILES reward Miles The Collector has not earned enough in their “AIR MILES Cash” balance for the requested redemption amount. Please ask the Collector to go to and check their redemption/earning history.
    400 0057 Invalid redemption confirmation number The redemptionConfirmationNumber submitted is invalid. Please resubmit the request with the correct Redemption Confirmation Number.
    202 0065 Exceeded daily redemption limit The Collector has exceeded the daily redemption limit. The Collector’s account has exceeded the maximum daily redemption amount. Please ask the Collector to wait until the following day to redeem more Cash miles.
    202 0066 Insufficient basket size The Collector’s basket size is too small to make a redemption. The purchase amount is not enough to make a redemption. Ask the customer if they wish to add more items to their basket in order to make an AM Cash redemption.
    408 0067 Offer is temporarily unavailable The offer being requested is temporarily unavailable. Please advise the Collector to try redeeming this offer at a later time.
    409 0080 Reversal window expired The reversal window for the redemption has expired; meaning a reversal can no longer be submitted for this transaction. This usually happens when a reversal is attempted after 3:00 AM the day after the original transaction. Any reversals that are attempted past the 3:00 AM time-frame should be refunded to the customer via in-store credit or gift card. Please DO NOT RETURN CASH to the customer.
    503 0092 Scheduled outage The system is unavailable due to scheduled maintenance. No requests can be sent.
    500 0096 Server error or no response An unknown error occurred while calling the “Instant POS” Switch". The Sponsor Switch/POS Terminal should retry one time and if the error persists, they should escalate the issue as indicated in the “AM Cash - Sponsor Escalation Guide”.
    none none Missing or invalid “Bearer token” No valid “Bearer Token” present. Please generate a valid “Bearer” Token and submit to continue."

    Handling timeouts

    A request timeout has occurred if either of the following scenarios is true:

    • You received a “response code” of 0008
    • You received no response at all

    Upon experiencing a request timeout, your POS terminal should immediately attempt a retry of the same transaction request. The “Retry Request” must match the initial request exactly.

    If the new request does not match exactly with the initial request, the system will not recognize it as a “retry”, but will register it as a brand new transaction. If the request continues to timeout/fail, an error message should be displayed to the cashier and/or the customer, as suggested in the section Displaying the reversal result.

    If at any time, our real-time checkout encounters an internal problem or network error while trying to return a “redemption response”; the redemption request will be automatically cancelled, thereby ensuring the customer is not charged for a redemption that could not be delivered.

    For all other response codes; when a particular code is received (e.g., 0002, 0096, etc.), the appropriate message should be displayed to the cashier, as shown in POS Workflows > Redemption.

    3 - AIR MILES Cash API Docs

    4 - Point-of-Sale Terminal Workflows

    How to best display AIR MILES Cash redemption details on your POS terminals.

    This page provides POS (Point-of-Sale) display mock-ups which demonstrate the preferred method for displaying AM Cash transaction details to the customer.

    Display Types

    Pop-up displays

    From here onward, we are assuming that your terminals can display a pop-up window over the main terminal display. However if your terminals have a more limited display functionality, a similar display interface can be built by integrating the new “AIR MILES Cash” elements into the main display area; this is shown in figure 1 below.

    POS Terminal Home Screen

    (Fig. 1) POS Terminal Home Screen

    Text-based displays

    There are also display mockups for text-based POS terminals. These mockups assume that the POS terminal has at least twenty (20) columns and four (4) rows. Throughout this section, the two mockups will be shown side-by-side where possible, to contrast the different interfaces.

    Processing a Redemption

    Upon receiving an AM Cash Inquiry response, the POS terminal should display relevant offer information to the Collector, which at a minimum should include the remaining daily limit of AM Cash units the Collector can request.

    AIR MILES Cash Inquiry

    AM Cash Inquiry - POS Terminal Mockup

    (Fig. 2) AM Cash Inquiry - POS Terminal Mockup

    In the example above, the AM Cash “Inquiry” screen displays the following key values:

    Value Description
    95 The number of reward Miles per unit.
    10 The dollar (monetary) amount per unit.
    3 The maximum number of units that can be redeemed for this transaction.
    20 The maximum number of units that can be redeemed for the day.

    As previously stated, an offer is returned ONLY if the Collector has enough reward Miles to redeem at least a single unit AND have not reached their daily redemption cap. If no offer is returned, the POS terminal won’t display any of the information shown above.

    The Collector can redeem for a minimum of 95 reward Miles (which is equivalent to $10.00 CAD.), as well as further increments of 95 reward Miles.

    If the AM Cash inquiry response has an offer available for the Collector, the POS terminal should give the cashier a visual cue, so they can ask the Collector for redemption.

    We recommend using one of the following options:

    Preferred method
    Pop-up window with AIR MILES Cash information.
    For embedded interfaces
    Blinking cue for embedded AIR MILES Cash section.
    Alternative method
    If there is no way to do either of the above, have the cashier click an on-screen button to activate the AIR MILES Cash section.

    Displaying on a text-based POS

    Similar to the GUI-based screens shown above, a text-based terminal should display the minimum and increment values together with the maximum allowed (based on the qualifying amount). The Collector at this point has the option to either enter an amount or cancel and proceed with the remaining purchase flow.

    Here’s an example of what a text-based display would look like.

    Collector Info - POS Text Mockup

    (Fig. 3) Collector Info - POS Text Mockup

    Displaying the Redemption

    After the redemption request is sent and a response is received by the POS terminal, the redemption information can be shown as follows.

    Cash Redemption - POS Terminal Mockup

    (Fig. 4) Cash Redemption - POS Terminal Mockup

    The POS terminal should display the following:

    Transaction confirmation number
    Number of reward Miles redeemed
    unitValueAMCash * unitsredeemed
    Remaining reward Miles for redemption
    cashBalance / unitValueAMCash

    Displaying on a text-based POS

    A text-based POS terminal could display the redemption information as follows.

    Redemption Confirmation - POS Text Mockup

    (Fig. 5) Redemption Confirmation - POS Text Mockup

    Following this screen, the rest of the payment flow continues normally.

    Printing the receipt

    This section provides a mockup of what a receipt could look like.

    Mockup Receipt - Collector Info

    (Fig. 6) Mockup Receipt - Collector Info

    The receipt shown above follows the examples that has been used so far and shows the following:

    Common basket details

    1. Partner details (business name, address, phone # etc.).
    2. Purchase details (item/basket info - includes a negative balance if returning a product).
    3. Sub-total, added sales tax, and total.
    4. Transaction confirmation number together with the dollar/monetary amount of the redemption.

    AIR MILES specific basket details

    1. Masked Collector number (at least 3-digits in the middle must be masked, and the last four digits visible).
    2. Base and bonus AIR MILES reward Miles redeemed.
    3. Available “AIR MILES Cash” Rewards Miles balance.
    4. Available “AIR MILES Dream” Rewards Miles balance.

    Processing a Reversal

    In order to reverse a redemption all that is needed is the original redemption confirmation number, as the redemption is fully reversed (no partial reversals are done).

    This is demonstrated in figure 7 below:

    Voiding a Transaction - POS Terminal Mockup

    (Fig. 7) Voiding a Transaction - POS Terminal Mockup

    The AM Cash reversal function should be made available to the cashier by way of a button or on-screen-display. Once this screen is displayed the cashier will need to enter the transaction confirmation number (txnConfirmationNumber) and press a key to process the reversal (such as the Void button shown in the figure above).

    Displaying the reversal

    After a reversal request has been processed, a response containing a new transaction confirmation number should be received.

    This is demonstrated in figure 8 below.

    Refund Confirmation - POS Terminal Mockup

    (Fig. 8) Refund Confirmation - POS Terminal Mockup

    The POS terminal should display the total Miles refunded (milesReversed), the available reward Miles (cashBalance) and the new reversal confirmation number (txnConfirmationNumber).

    Printing the receipt

    This section provides a mockup of how a receipt showing balances and redemption information could be organized.

    See figure 9 below for more details:

    Organization & Layout - POS Receipt Mockup

    (Fig. 9) Organization & Layout - POS Receipt Mockup

    The receipt shown above follows the examples that has been used so far and shows the following:

    Common basket details

    1. Partner details (business name, address, phone # etc.).
    2. Purchase details (item/basket info - includes a negative balance if returning a product).
    3. Sub-total, added sales tax, and total.
    4. Transaction confirmation number together with the dollar/monetary amount of the redemption.

    AIR MILES specific basket details

    1. Masked Collector number (at least 3-digits in the middle must be masked, and the last four digits visible).
    2. Base and bonus AIR MILES reward Miles voided/reversed (calculated by the partner).
    3. Available “AIR MILES Cash” Rewards Miles balance.
    4. Available “AIR MILES Dream” Rewards Miles balance.

    5 - File Reconciliation

    Used to ensure “Redemption” and “Reverse” transactions match in both the Partner’s and AIR MILES systems.

    A Reconciliation process has been established to ensure that successful “Redemption” and “Reverse” transactions match in both the partner’s systems and AIR MILES systems. This matching ensures that the number of transactions in both systems and the transaction values (e.g., amounts, dates) are identical.

    What are reconciliation files

    The Reconciliation files are sent to the Partner at regular intervals, and contain all successful Redemptions and Reversals that were reconciled on a given day.

    The following sections describe the Reconciliation process, files, formats, and file transfer methods.

    File formats and schedules

    Each Reconciliation file contains the following:

    • Header Records x2
    • Trailer Records x2
    • Detailed Records 0 or more

    Reconciliation files are text-based and have a specific format (described below), use delimiters to separate fields, and are uncompressed & un-encrypted. Records within the reconciliation file use the standard ASCII character set, where fields within a record are separated by double percent characters (%%), and records are separated by a new line character at the end of each line.

    Since fields in the file records are delimited with percentage characters (%%) there is no need for fillers or padding. As an example, the “amount” field is defined as Numeric and 4 characters in length, so in order to send 190 Miles, it is enough to send just those three digits (i.e., there is no need to send 0190). Similarly, the “Card Terminal ID” is defined as Alphanumeric and 16 characters in length, so in order to send the characters SPON000101 there is no need to append filler spaces at the end of those characters.

    During normal processing times, reconciliation files will be created at regular intervals. For resubmissions, the files may contain more (or less) than 24-hours of transactions, and may include a different time range. However, in all instances the “Local Transaction Date/Time” of all records within the file must be between the BeginExtractDate and EndExtractDate values in the “Header” and “Trailer” records (see an example of the file format below).

    Files sent to the partner

    The naming of the reconciliation file uses the following format:


    As an example, a reconciliation file created on July 19, 2020 would be named RECON_LMG_20200719.txt.

    Sample file contents


    Header and trailer record templates

    As mentioned above, the reconciliation files contain two (2) header records, two (2) trailer records, and zero (0) or more detailed records.

    Header 1
    Header 2
    Trailer 1
    Trailer 2

    Reconciliation file fields

    # Field Type (length) Description
    1 Row Type Alpha (1) Always ‘D’
    2 MTI Numeric (4) The values are 2210 for redemptions and 2430 for reversals
    3 Collector Number Numeric (11) The Collector number
    4 Miles Amount Numeric (4) Amount (in AIR MILES Reward Miles) of the redemption or reversal
    5 System Trace Number Numeric (12) Partner issued unique tracking number
    6 Local Transaction Time Numeric (6) Format: HH24MISS (the time component of Local Date/Time)
    7 Local Transaction Date Numeric (8) Format: YYYYMMDD (the date component of Local Date/Time)
    8 Transaction Confirmation Number Numeric (12) The unique identification number included in any “redemption” or “reversal” response message
    9 Card Terminal Id Alphanumeric (16) Concatenation of sponsorCode, storeId, and deviceId
    10 Dollar Amount Numeric (6, 2) Format: NNNN.NN (no left padding - the amount in dollars of the redemption or reversal)

    File transmission method

    The accepted transmission method for receiving the Reconciliation file is via SFTP (Simple File-Transfer-Protocol).

    Contact us for more details at

    6 - OpenAPI (Swagger-Spec)