Point-of-Sale Terminal Workflows

How to best display AIR MILES Cash redemption details on your POS terminals.

This page provides POS (Point-of-Sale) display mock-ups which demonstrate the preferred method for displaying AM Cash transaction details to the customer.

Display Types

Pop-up displays

From here onward, we are assuming that your terminals can display a pop-up window over the main terminal display. However if your terminals have a more limited display functionality, a similar display interface can be built by integrating the new “AIR MILES Cash” elements into the main display area; this is shown in figure 1 below.

POS Terminal Home Screen

(Fig. 1) POS Terminal Home Screen

Text-based displays

There are also display mockups for text-based POS terminals. These mockups assume that the POS terminal has at least twenty (20) columns and four (4) rows. Throughout this section, the two mockups will be shown side-by-side where possible, to contrast the different interfaces.

Processing a Redemption

Upon receiving an AM Cash Inquiry response, the POS terminal should display relevant offer information to the Collector, which at a minimum should include the remaining daily limit of AM Cash units the Collector can request.

AIR MILES Cash Inquiry

AM Cash Inquiry - POS Terminal Mockup

(Fig. 2) AM Cash Inquiry - POS Terminal Mockup

In the example above, the AM Cash “Inquiry” screen displays the following key values:

Value Description
95 The number of reward Miles per unit.
10 The dollar (monetary) amount per unit.
3 The maximum number of units that can be redeemed for this transaction.
20 The maximum number of units that can be redeemed for the day.

As previously stated, an offer is returned ONLY if the Collector has enough reward Miles to redeem at least a single unit AND have not reached their daily redemption cap. If no offer is returned, the POS terminal won’t display any of the information shown above.

The Collector can redeem for a minimum of 95 reward Miles (which is equivalent to $10.00 CAD.), as well as further increments of 95 reward Miles.

If the AM Cash inquiry response has an offer available for the Collector, the POS terminal should give the cashier a visual cue, so they can ask the Collector for redemption.

We recommend using one of the following options:

Preferred method
Pop-up window with AIR MILES Cash information.
For embedded interfaces
Blinking cue for embedded AIR MILES Cash section.
Alternative method
If there is no way to do either of the above, have the cashier click an on-screen button to activate the AIR MILES Cash section.

Displaying on a text-based POS

Similar to the GUI-based screens shown above, a text-based terminal should display the minimum and increment values together with the maximum allowed (based on the qualifying amount). The Collector at this point has the option to either enter an amount or cancel and proceed with the remaining purchase flow.

Here’s an example of what a text-based display would look like.

Collector Info - POS Text Mockup

(Fig. 3) Collector Info - POS Text Mockup

Displaying the Redemption

After the redemption request is sent and a response is received by the POS terminal, the redemption information can be shown as follows.

Cash Redemption - POS Terminal Mockup

(Fig. 4) Cash Redemption - POS Terminal Mockup

The POS terminal should display the following:

Transaction confirmation number
Number of reward Miles redeemed
unitValueAMCash * unitsredeemed
Remaining reward Miles for redemption
cashBalance / unitValueAMCash

Displaying on a text-based POS

A text-based POS terminal could display the redemption information as follows.

Redemption Confirmation - POS Text Mockup

(Fig. 5) Redemption Confirmation - POS Text Mockup

Following this screen, the rest of the payment flow continues normally.

Printing the receipt

This section provides a mockup of what a receipt could look like.

Mockup Receipt - Collector Info

(Fig. 6) Mockup Receipt - Collector Info

The receipt shown above follows the examples that has been used so far and shows the following:

Common basket details

  1. Partner details (business name, address, phone # etc.).
  2. Purchase details (item/basket info - includes a negative balance if returning a product).
  3. Sub-total, added sales tax, and total.
  4. Transaction confirmation number together with the dollar/monetary amount of the redemption.

AIR MILES specific basket details

  1. Masked Collector number (at least 3-digits in the middle must be masked, and the last four digits visible).
  2. Base and bonus AIR MILES reward Miles redeemed.
  3. Available “AIR MILES Cash” Rewards Miles balance.
  4. Available “AIR MILES Dream” Rewards Miles balance.

Processing a Reversal

In order to reverse a redemption all that is needed is the original redemption confirmation number, as the redemption is fully reversed (no partial reversals are done).

This is demonstrated in figure 7 below:

Voiding a Transaction - POS Terminal Mockup

(Fig. 7) Voiding a Transaction - POS Terminal Mockup

The AM Cash reversal function should be made available to the cashier by way of a button or on-screen-display. Once this screen is displayed the cashier will need to enter the transaction confirmation number (txnConfirmationNumber) and press a key to process the reversal (such as the Void button shown in the figure above).

Displaying the reversal

After a reversal request has been processed, a response containing a new transaction confirmation number should be received.

This is demonstrated in figure 8 below.

Refund Confirmation - POS Terminal Mockup

(Fig. 8) Refund Confirmation - POS Terminal Mockup

The POS terminal should display the total Miles refunded (milesReversed), the available reward Miles (cashBalance) and the new reversal confirmation number (txnConfirmationNumber).

Printing the receipt

This section provides a mockup of how a receipt showing balances and redemption information could be organized.

See figure 9 below for more details:

Organization & Layout - POS Receipt Mockup

(Fig. 9) Organization & Layout - POS Receipt Mockup

The receipt shown above follows the examples that has been used so far and shows the following:

Common basket details

  1. Partner details (business name, address, phone # etc.).
  2. Purchase details (item/basket info - includes a negative balance if returning a product).
  3. Sub-total, added sales tax, and total.
  4. Transaction confirmation number together with the dollar/monetary amount of the redemption.

AIR MILES specific basket details

  1. Masked Collector number (at least 3-digits in the middle must be masked, and the last four digits visible).
  2. Base and bonus AIR MILES reward Miles voided/reversed (calculated by the partner).
  3. Available “AIR MILES Cash” Rewards Miles balance.
  4. Available “AIR MILES Dream” Rewards Miles balance.