Step 2: Engagement Process

A step-by-step guide to our engagement process, which includes certification and environment/access credentials.

Provided by the Partner (i.e., You)

Architecture overview diagram

Please provide us with an architecture overview diagram of your business systems.

See example diagram below:

Example architecture overview diagram

Data flow description for PII data

Provide a description of your Data Flows to ensure that any PII data is handled securely.

See example diagram below:

Example data flow diagram

Security Questionnaire

Follow the instructions below to complete the Security Questionnaire.

  1. Download the Excel spreadsheet using the link below.
  2. Fill out your answers in the provided cells.
  3. Save the file and email the completed questionnaire to partner support.

Provided by AIR MILES

AIR MILES partner contract

  • Includes the API Terms of Use.
  • Ongoing reviews of your solution by the Security and Compliance Team.

Obtaining environment & access credentials

  • Client/Secret keys for API access (available upon request).
  • IP white-list and SSL certificate requirements.
  • Test data environment, including sample Collector numbers, Offer Codes, Location Codes etc..
  • Access provided to our “Certification” environment (or ‘CERT’), for testing and development.
  • Load tests and other stress tests to be scheduled with AIR MILES integration specialists.